Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Life is a crazy messed up thing, but we all have to live it. Sometimes things are crazy and messed up, and then others they are absouluty amazing. What are some things that make your life happy?

I have my amazing husband, who I fall more and more in love with everyday! WE have two amazing kids together our little girl is 2 and our little boy is 1. I remember growing up and my parents saying "your growing up way to fast" and I remeber thinking is seemed like forever to me, but now I know exactly what they meant. My babies are growing up way to fast. My little girl is being potty trained and yesterday she said "thank you" for the first time. I am so proud of my little girl. My little boy is running around and of course he's alittle boy so he gets into everything. I wouldnt have it any other way though. My kids are my life, Yes they were both not planned but I wouldnt have it any other way!

My husband and I have had our problems, but what couple hasnt? He is my everything and I love him more then life. He is the most amazing man I have ever met. He has made all my dreams come true. He gave me two babies and he made me his wife and I have never been more happy with my life then I am right now!!!

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